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Flu and the holidays: Natural remedies and prevention

Flu and the holidays: Natural remedies and prevention

Holidays are joyful, but flu season can be a damper. It is often mild but can lead to serious consequences.  Don't let the flu ruin your family's health and happiness this season. Take action now to protect yourself and your loved ones with the practical measures outlined in this article. 
An Integrative Approach: Diet, Medication, and Lifestyle

An Integrative Approach: Diet, Medication, and Lifestyle

Health isn’t only determined by physical factors, so why would health care only revolve around this? Integrative medicine takes a broader approach; it looks at the whole individual to address the body, mind, and soul. This article will delve into this approach to help you better care for your health and well-being.
10 natural ways you can take care of your lungs

10 natural ways you can take care of your lungs

The lungs are vital organs for our health. They are part of the respiratory system, responsible for delivering oxygen to our cells and removing carbon dioxide from our bodies.  For this reason, it is crucial to take good care of your lungs. And did you know that you can do this without having to use drugs or spend money on expensive medical treatments? In this article, we'll look at 10 ways to take good care of your lungs in a natural way.
Healing Medicine and Practices from Around the World

Healing Medicine and Practices from Around the World

Before Westernized Medicine, how did we as humans heal ourselves? Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been working with the natural world, healing itself in holistic methods and through the use of traditional medicines.  Traditional medicine has strong historical roots from various cultures and groups around the world. Using natural remedies and healing herbs, people have been healing themselves and others for centuries.  We have put together some common healing practices from various parts of the world to show how alive this holistic type of healing is.
Alzheimer’s Matters: Ways to Stop its Prevalence as We Age

Alzheimer’s Matters: Ways to Stop its Prevalence as We Age

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the frightening diseases of old age people. Imagine you start forgetting little things, you don’t even recognize the face of your close ones. It's not just about waiting and hoping that by taking pharmaceutical care, we might fight Alzheimer’s disease. Many types of research have been put forward extracting ways on how you can reduce the disease from developing and progressing.
Joint Health: The Integrative Approach

Joint Health: The Integrative Approach

Suggested alternative treatments often include acupuncture, massage therapy, nutrition, and various forms of exercise, such as yoga and tai chi. While it is always important to speak with your primary care physician, some or all of these approaches may be used to reduce arthritis symptoms and improve health.
Health Benefits of Traditional Japanese Diet

Health Benefits of Traditional Japanese Diet

The Traditional Japanese diet is highly recommended for optimal wellbeing. It supports life quality, improves longevity, and increases life expectancy. The diet composition is highly nutritious and offers various health benefits. It reduces the risk of certain medical conditions, including cardiovascular dysfunctions, obesity, and diabetes, that help prevent premature death. 
“How the Iris of the Eye Can Reveal Breast CA and Other Illness Risks" with Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D., M.D.

“How the Iris of the Eye Can Reveal Breast CA and Other Illness Risks" with Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D., M.D.

Dr. Jurasunas focuses his research and practice not only on detecting disease but also preventing it by enhancing the immune system. Natural killer (NK) cells are the body’s first defense against cancer and other diseases. These cells attach to the abnormal cell and produce a toxin that kills it within minutes. In the elderly and in patients with chronic illness, the NK cells perform with only 10-40% of their full capacity.

BRM4 - The Wonder of Rice Bran and Shiitake Mushroom Enzyme

A wonderful thing about BRM4 (Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound) is its all natural. It is a polysaccharide dietary fiber derived from rice bran, modified by Shiitake mushroom enzyme. In the video, Dr. Dan Kenner, PhD, L.Ac., with 30 years of clinical experience in Chinese, Japanese, and Naturopathic medicine, calls it “Smart Food,” because it either stimulates (in case of cancers) or suppresses (in case of autoimmune disorders) the NK cells activity, depending on what the body needs at the moment. It somehow knows exactly what the body needs.

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